Exam 2

Release: 8am Friday May 6, 2022

Due: 8am Sunday May 8, 2022

We will not accept late submissions. There will be no exceptions.

This page details a take-home exam that you will complete over the next few days. You can’t communicate with anyone about the content of the assignment until the exam has concluded. DO NOT post clarification or other similar questions as staff will not be answering these types of questions during this time period. If there are broken links or otherwise strange parts of the writeup, you may post these concerns on piazza. If you have technical trouble creating a screencast (detailed below) feel free to reach out for assistance.

Do not use any online service other than Piazza to ask questions about the assignment. Do not search for, solicit, or use solutions to the problems that you find elsewhere for the exam. These are all violations of academic integrity that students have committed on exams like this in the past.

You can make use of any course notes, online resources about Java and its libraries, Java tools, and so on to complete the exam, including re-using code from class notes or PAs.

You can review the grading policy for exams in the syllabus.

This exam will be conducted through gradescope through the Exam 2 assignment